Propaganda pombalina em França: Tradução, visualização, radicalização




Propoganda, opinião pública, Iluminismo, tradução


The fact that Pombal is today one of the most important actors of enlightened absolutism is due above all to his comprehensive reform program, which included virtually all political fields of action of the 18th century. At least as important, however, is the fact that he accompanied his measures with extremely intensive public relations work: Pombal had understood how important it was to get public opinion in Europe on his side, because especially those reforms that threatened the traditional rights and positions of power of the Catholic Church were the subject of controversial debate in a Europe divided along confessional lines. France played an important role in the European battle of opinion: French intellectuals and publicists dominated international public opinion, and French was the language of the educated and enlightened. This paper will therefore examine how Pombal's propaganda functioned in France and what significance French translations and adaptations had for the European battle of opinion.



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